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History Hit
Dan Snow

Author. historian. Enthusiast.

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Buzzy Jackson is the award-winning author of three nonfiction books and the novel TO DIE BEAUTIFUL (North America)/THE GIRL WITH THE RED HAIR (UK/worldwide). Buzzy grew up in an extended family of writers in Truckee, California and Missoula, Montana and currently lives in Colorado. She is the proud daughter of Motor City legend Ruth J. Hall and beloved mystery writer Jon A. Jackson.

Buzzy has a Ph.D. in History from UC Berkeley and is a member of the National Book Critics’ Circle. She is currently at work on a new novel inspired by a midcentury American true crime.

Buzzy’s favorite quote about writing is from the poet Muriel Rukeyser:

The universe is made of stories,

not of atoms.

– Muriel Rukeyser, “The Speed of Darkness”